

Reality is an utterly astrabct concept when it comes to that packaged for the masses by a selected bunch of few people at the top of our society. Again, we face the fact that the masses have been forever “educated” on all topics regulating their lives by a bunch of individuals that appear to have always been at the top of our social structures.

Who put them there? What is their real agenda? Why is it that commoners are grown into slaves to them? Whether via employer, bank, government, all of us common people, those not belonging to royalty or the super rich class that ruled the world forever, we are to obey someone else. But they don’t.

So, what’s going on here? What is real?

WelI, yesterday I went with my husband to a David Icke event. I cannot tell you how much of what he said finally put together scattered pieces into a finished picture. Whilst many other people have written wonderful books on cosmic consciousness, David connects the dot with the others. He is deemed as mad, bad by some: all people that never read any of his books and cannot reject his claims on the basis of any evidence. I trust out there are incredible minds, open and bright: I urge all of you to take a look into the possibility he envisions to us, by reading some of his books, watching a DVD, attend one of his events. What you will come home with, is a sense of better understanding of what you are and what is going on around you!

This man spoke sense: mankind is not a race of beings limited by the body limits. God is not what we have been taught, but energy, much alike that of love (in all religions God is love, so that to an extent relates to what we partially have been taught over millennia). It’s consciousness, infinite awareness into which we can tap if we rid of those limitations we impose unto ourselves. In a few words, we are made of that energy which is pure love.

Think of it: we are made of molecules, atoms. It doesn’t matter that we can only see flesh, reality is that a bunch of atoms stick together giving shape to our physical bodies. But we aren’t those bodies. We cannot see love, but we feel it. We cannot see pain, but we feel it. It doesn’t matter what the scientific explanation of both might be, reality is that both love and pain are energy we produce and energy measures in electro magnetic waves.

We vibrate, at a specific frequency; when we feel love, when we feel pain, anger and so on. These frequencies change: love makes us vibrate at a higher pitch, hate and pain to the lowest. The lowest we vibrate, the less we can tap into that infinite consciousness, or else energy, love if you wish, to acquire awareness. Lower frequencies (pain, anger, etc) weaken us and cause illnesses: we know for sure stress can kill people or generate what are called psychosomatic pathologies. So the man is not talking rubbish! It all makes sense and in recent years more and more alternative doctors have explained over and over about how these vibrations generate from particular points of our body. Acupuncture is actually based on unblocking these energy flows. And it works! So, again, the man is not speaking nonsense.

We were taught – by an elite composed of people with interests in lying to us, so to be able to exploit us – that common people are born to grow, be “educated” (always following what the elite decides we need be taught, of course) and then go work for others. No matter the amount of money and material success we achieve, we are enslaved to the elite: if not via employer, then it’s via banks, or a government. We always have to obey someone.

What if it was all a lie, perpetuated since the dawn of society by a bunch of creatures who came from elsewhere? Is it far fetched to think that we might not be alone in the vastity of the universe? If we think that our planet is as big as a billionth of the pin of a needle, just in our universe, then we can see we cannot possibly be alone. Other types of intelligent creatures, as intelligent as us, must be around.

David Icke gathered an incredible amount of information from reliable sources, and yet has been ridiculed, deemed mad, bad. By people whom never read one of his books and has never been able to counter argue his claims proving beyond any doubt that they were false.
The more we look at today’s society, world, the more we feel something is deeply wrong in how it’s structured and made to function: what if it was all along a plan, to subdue a race of creatures, mankind, capable of much more? We are not thinkers; we are knowers.